Monday, May 18, 2009


Well, like i said in my previous post.... i been really bad tempered lately and i would like to apologize for the things i had done.... I dont know if u will visit my blgo or not but at least i will write apologization post just for this. I dont know how to apologize personally cos i not really good with words and i might ruined things. Sorry for the bad words i said. Sorry for the misconduct. I got 1 thing i am not apologizing about. Its about a stupid lecturer who think she is always right~! I dont mind u want to pick on me. I am the rotten apple in the class so dont go bother the other seniors~! Besides that stupid lecturer, i hope all other people in my school or badminton life or jsut normal friends will accept my apology... I am really sincere about this and i hope there in more misunderstanding among us anymore... Regret cant solve anything thing but taking the action to apologize might be a cure to unhappiness. SORRY~~~


J.T said...

you can apologize to me in person when i head back to Kuching for winter hols. jk bout the apologizing thing. Anyway, looking forward to see u guys again.

p/s : please don't bully me in baddie, I'm getting worst by the second.

FOR LOU PO ZAI said...

haha do i belong to the 'normal friends' category? hey km, see i knew we still have a place in his heart. :P

btw, yeah, we all know you, so it's okay if you're bad tempered sometimes. just, don't get into so many dramas hahaha.